It is interesting to see how dense listings are in neighborhoods like 1er Arrondissement and 3e Arrondissement.
You can also find additional information about Lyon Airbnb listings such as total number of listings, availability or activity here.
The followinng interactive map plots all listings in Lyon, France as of November 26th, 2019 from the website called Inside Airbnb.
The map has three different colored points:
The map allows users to zoom into a specific neighborhood and look the Airbnb listings in the area. Users can click on any dot and see all of the relevant information such as:
Users can also click through to the actual Airbnb listing.
It is interesting to see how dense listings are in neighborhoods like 1er Arrondissement and 3e Arrondissement.
You can also find additional information about Lyon Airbnb listings such as total number of listings, availability or activity here.
Image via Inside Airbnb